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Special Projects

Special projects are an identifying feature of our local Soroptimist International of Novato club. These are special projects that help our community and are unique to our club.

e-luminate Community TV

SOUNDING BOARD has been rebranded as e-luminate. 

Our community television program is produced by Soroptimist International of Novato members. 

We provide a community service that showcases and promotes local and global organizations and people that make a difference through television and video productions and services.

Visit e-luminate's new web site for information on new and old programs. Contact Fredda Kaplan, program manager, for more information.


Candidate Forum

Our Soroptimist club was proud to co-sponsor the local Candidate Forum with the League of Women Voters of Marin County. The event was very well attended, and Novato voters were able to learn about the candidates running for City Council in Districts 1, 3, and 5.


Soroptimist member Robin Diederich provided a good portion of the organization efforts and opened the program.



At the intersection of Redwood Boulevard and Grant Avenue is a median strip with a city-operated fountain. The median is one that Soroptimist International of Novato has claimed for maintenance.  


The Median Sign is a project that involves our member cooperation once or twice a year.  The strip provides nice visibility next to the City fountain on Redwood Highway.


The Soroptimist Median Sign on Redwood Blvd, Novato.

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