Soroptimist is a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.

Joined 1/15/2020
Sue serves on the Public Relations Committee and is responsible for managing the Club website. Sue also works on the Lobster fundraising and the Fashion Show committee as well as leads the Car Wash fundraiser. She had a rewarding career as a Registered Nurse and is now working as an Executive Coach. She is passionate about supporting young women. She taught at Daraja Academy in Kenya and mentors young women through the organization, Students Rising Above. Born in Hawaii, Sue loves being in the water and is an avid swimmer on the Marin Aquatics Masters Swim Team.

Joined 2/15/2017
Mari Avedano currently works part time at Center for Domestic Peace. She is also a dedicated, experienced community volunteer who actively volunteers her time with several Marin non-profits, including North Marin Community Services, Gilead House, and St. Vincent de Paul. She served as Soroptimist International of Novato Vice President and Secretary, and manages the major spring fundraiser. She is a past board member of the Schurig Center for Brain Injury Recovery and NovatoSpirit. Ms. Avedano completed the Leadership Novato Program and was class valedictorian. She also brings with her professional experience in administration, human resources, marketing, and information systems technology from past occupations.

Joined 2/1/2021
After living most of her adult life in New York City, Lisa relocated to Marin County in 2020 and is proud to call Novato home. Lisa has been an Executive Recruiter for over 20 years and currently works for Apple. When not working, she's an avid reader and traveler having visited over 17 countries, even living for a while in a few exotic places. Lisa is looking forward to serving the Novato community and building new friendships through Soroptimist.

Joined 5/1/2021
Marlene is the Executive Director of the Speak Safe -Saving Adolescents from Exploitation. She is Co-President of Soroptimist International MC. Marlene's community involvement includes contracting with MCOE to train and educate on Human Trafficking and exploration of Our Youth to School staff, teachers, counselors, parents and students. She presented to service providers and law enforcement. Also involved in Marin Coalition to End Human Trafficking as a board member and member of law enforcement's DA office. She has been active in the Marin Healthy Youth Partnership Suicide Prevention Collaborative.

Joined 11/1/22
Marissa began her work with Soroptimist International of Novato in 2018. She quickly connected with long-time members Madalienne Peters, Fredda Kaplan, and Carole Bennett where she began leading the video production for e-luminate. During her time working with these woman she had so many amazing opportunities to grow professionally as a Digital Media Specialist utilizing her skills to help further the mission of the club.
Marissa has filmed, edited, photographed, and graphic designed many projects for the club both locally, and internationally. Some of these projects include: the water crisis in our world, local projects Novato teens lead, interviewing the co-founder of Daraja Academy, as well as a young woman who graduated from there and came to America to spread their mission, and the SI Conference on Climate Change.
In her years leading up to becoming an official member in 2022, she began persuing her passion of working with adults with disabilities. She has worked her way up from being a hands-on caregiver to now serving as a Certification Specialist and Social Work Coordinator for a Family Home Agency called Enriching Lives.

Joined 4/1/2015
Shaun was past President and was responsible for the oversight of the club activities and meetings. She has also served as Vice President and is Co-Chair of the Lobster Sale. Shaun is a semi-retired Registered Nurse in Family Practice and a Ceramic Artist. Shaun enjoys being part of Soroptimist International of Novato, working to improve the lives of women and girls while enjoying the company of club members who are dedicated and fun-loving!

Joined 9/26/1990
Retired co-owner of Sub Surface Engineering and two-time Mayor of Novato. Carole has been an SI Novato Board Director and has done work on various club committees. Carole's community involvement includes being former Novato City Council Member, COM Board Member, Smart Board Member, Transportation Board of Marin Member, currently on Sanitary Board of Directors, active in Novato Rotary, AAUW, Novato Garden Club, AM Business Women and Wednesday Morning Dialogue. Carole has three children, one step-son and five grandsons.

Joined 7/1/2019
Rachel is currently on the Novato City Council. She is the owner of CKC Construction with her husband. She has worked on the Advocacy Committee for District and participated in the Violet Richardson committee. Rachel is Chair of the Novato Planning Commission, Chair of the Marin County Mental Health Board, Junior League Napa/Sonoma, and Vice President of Membership for Young Dems.

Joined 1/1/2023
Stephanie is a Construction Manager for PG&E. She has been a consultant for PG&E for over ten years. One of her passions is wildlife conservation and wolf advocacy. Stephanie works with Wolves of the Rockies, The International Wildlife Coexistence Network, and Friends of Wisconsin Wolf and Wildlife to restore protections for this persecuted species. She enjoys mountain biking and hiking with her husband in Novato in her free time.

Joined 7/1/2005
Colleen recently transferred from the Soroptimist International of Marin club and is now on our Board. She had a very rewarding career for over 40 years as a Probate, Trust, and Estate Planning Paralegal in the Bay Area. Colleen retired from full-time employment in June of 2018, but still enjoys her work so much that she is continuing to do some contract paralegal work for attorneys in San Rafael.

Joined 12/2/2018
Patsy is Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics. She is past President of Novato Chamber Board, Ambassador for Novato Chamber, Ambassador for Mary Kay Charitable Foundation, and Captain, Relay for Life.

Joined 1/23/2017

Joined 10/10/2012
Kathy is currently the Secretary of the club. She is a retired Executive Administrator, Novato Youth Center (Now NMCS)

Joined 7/1/2019

Joined 9/1/2019
Sandra Hanns is the founder and CEO of iGreen Media Group and organizer of San Francisco Sustainable Fashion Week International. Currently, she is on the Board of Trustees of The Mexican Museum and Advisory Board to the Museum of the American Indian in Novato. In August 2020 she became a Climate Reality Leader trained by our former Vice President of the United States, Al Gore. Sandra is the Chair of Dream It, Be It with our club.

Joined 1/1/2005
Patricia has been a past President, Vice President, Publicity Chair, Chair of the Lobster Sale, and Board member. Patricia volunteers at The Book Place, the Friends of the Marin County Free Library used book store. She is a member of the MCFL Board of Directors and a long-time volunteer with students at Bahia Vista School in San Rafael’s Canal District. Patricia retired from the University of Michigan Medical Center.

Joined 2/1/2019
Pam is enjoying retirement and staying active. She was the Chair of the garage sale fundraiser. She also is a member of: the Lobster committee, Fashion Show committee, See’s candy committee, bingo committee, bunco committee and helps with scheduling meeting lunches and finding a new meeting place. Pam loves to take part in the monthly fun & frolic activities. She is an amazing garden designer and makes all of the table arrangements for the spring event.

Joined 1/18/2015
Sue is an MBA-CPA, who retired as a professor of business and accounting. She is currently the club Treasurer, having served as Treasurer from 2017-2019, and was a board member before that. Before moving to Novato in 2014, Sue lived in the Chicago are where she was on the auxiliary board of a hospital chain, serving in a fund raising capacity.

Joined 1/9/2013
Susan retired from forty-one years in education. Her last position was the Associate Superintendent for Contra Costa County Office of Education. Susan is currently on the Board of Directors for the club. Susan is the Manager of the Novato History Museum, serves on the Board of Directors for the Novato Historical Guild, and is a member of the North Bay Science Discovery Day planning committee at the Buck Institute.

Joined 1/1/2008
Mary is an RN and retired School Nurse from Novato Unified Schools. She is the Co-Chair of our Dream It, Be It Program which connects students with resources for success. She is a cancer survivor which gives real meaning to being the Chair of the Relay for Life team.

Joined 9/15/1993
Madalienne was the Professor Emerita Education Dominican University of CA. She was recruited to Soroptimist International of Novato by two former members, who are education leaders in Marin County. Since then, Madalienne has held various offices in the club, served on the Advocacy Committee, and attended the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women as a Soroptimist delegate. She has also connected with Soroptimist clubs in Japan, Belgium, and South Africa. A 2020 meeting with Soroptimist leaders in Nairobi, Kenya served to link club members with Daraja Academy. Daraja, a private high school for girls with no access to education beyond elementary school, was started more than 10 years ago by local activists, Jason and Jenni Doherty. This initial meeting led to members of Soroptimists meeting with Daraja girls in Kenya to provide valuable instruction and training on female reproductive health.

Joined : 12/1/24
Melissa is President and CEO of PRANDI Property Management working in the residential property management business for over 40 years. Melissa loves working with her son Matt and believes in giving back to her community locally and globally. Melissa is President of a women empowerment group called the Women Leadership Philanthropic Council (WLPC) based out of the Dominican University and has been active serving on many non-profit boards.
Melissa is a longtime advocate for empowering women and families. Melissa is a long time Rotarian and founder of the Melissa Prandi Children Foundation based in Uganda empowering women and children.
Melissa has never met a stranger and enjoys life living in Marin County her entire life.

Joined : 6/1/1981
Michelle is the Owner of Travelfax and a resident of Novato. She is also a Past President of the Soroptimist International Novato.

Joined 1/1/2006
Rosemary is retired from the child development field. She has held all board positions during the last 15 years, and she is currently on the Public Relations and Fashion Show Committees. Rosemary is active in the Novato Music Association Chorus and is married with two daughters.
Joined 2/15/2012

Joined 7/1/2011
Sharlene was in medical sales rep and for the last 30 + years she has been a masters swim coach. Sharlene works behind the scenes as a fundraiser and participates many of the club activities.

Joined 1/9/2013
Nancy was the SIA Founder Region Membership Chair 2020-2022; Founder Region District IV Fellowship Director 2018-2020; Chair of IDEA 2020-present; President 2017-2018; Treasurer 2015-2017; Board Member 2013-2015, 2018-2020; SIA Delegate for United Nations meetings for UN Women's Commission on the Status of Women in NYC 2018-2021; Liaison for Novato Chamber of Commerce 2014-present; Liaison for Human Trafficking Projects 2015-present.
Nancy has served in leadership roles in Soroptimist International on the local, regional and federation levels. As the SIA Founder Region Membership Chair, she oversees the 50+ clubs and almost 1400 members in the region. She has been a social justice advocate since her youth and is currently active in leadership roles with these other community organizations: Marin County League of Women Voter, Board of Directors, Chair of the Justice Committee, member of the League's Voter Services, Health Committee, Observer Corp, and Novato Cohorts, City of Novato Recreation, Cultural and Community Services Commissioner, Asian American Alliance of Marin, Board of Directors Marin Chamber of Councils, DEI Task Force member, Chair of United Against Hate (UAH) Committee, Marin County Coalition to End Human Trafficking, Public Awareness Committee, San Francisco Collaboration Against Human Trafficking, Planning Committee Novato Chamber of Commerce, Business Education Committee, Not in Our Town (NIOT) Novato-Charter Member, Novato Leadership 2015. Nancy enjoys hiking and cooking. She keeps herself busy but always ensures she has quality time to spend with her family and grandchild.

Joined 1/1/2012
Linda Witong has been an NGO Delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women from 2013-2019 and has appeared on a virtual basis as an NGO delegate for SI, e.g. as a delegate to the 14th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice which was held in March in Kyoto, Japan. Linda has also acted as a Special Advisor/Research Consultant to the President of SI from 2016 to the present and was elected as a member of the UN Alliance of NGOs on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice in 2021. The Alliance is based at the UN in Vienna, Austria. As a retired prosecutor, she is also presently volunteering for law enforcement agencies as the CATCH Team creator and coordinator for the Criminal Apprehension Team for Cold Case Homicides which investigates unresolved homicide cases for local police agencies and also acts as a consultant on active investigations.

Joined 1/12/1988
Kris is among the Members of Long-Standing and has acted as President for two terms as well as had roles as Director, Secretary, and Assistant Treasurer. She is the Chair of Scholarships. Kris has been active in the community as a member of the Novato City Birthday Party committee (PTTR), Docent at Hamilton History Museum, and Greeter at Our Lady of Loretto Church. Kris is currently working as a Senior Administrative Assistant, BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. Kris loves being part of Soroptimist International of Novato for over 20 years and looks forward to many more. Her son grew up as a club volunteer for our fundraisers and is now raising his daughter to be a strong self-assured young girl and hopefully one day a Soroptimist!

Joined 1/1/2O21
Kristin is a new member who recently relocated from Illinois to be with her family in Novato. She looks forward to getting to know those in the group, and the community in general.